It goes against everything we expect about high school. From the glamorous expectations of movies like High School Musical to the immense connectivity of the Internet, it's the opposite of what one would expect. However, this comes from a personal standpoint, everyone feels lonely at some point in their high school career. Loneliness doesn't necessarily mean being alone but instead perceiving that you are alone, even if you are surrounded by people. Apart from the psychological downsides of loneliness, there are also physical ones, which makes this so important to address.
Such downsides include:
Irregular sleeping schedule, and the consequences of sleep deprivation like decreased productivity
Higher risk of depression and suicidal ideation
Higher risk of emotional eating, oversleeping, or even using addictive substances
Higher risk of medical issues like obesity or other infections/inflammatory illnesses
But luckily, there are ways to combat such loneliness. This includes changing your mindset, reaching out, and even adopting a pet! Sourced from the Mental Health Foundation, BBC, and the Clay Center for Healthy Young Minds, here are 10 tips to combat loneliness.
This is a very common experience. Hopefully, there is some solace in the fact that being lonely is a universal experience, and it is what makes us human.
You are unique. Despite what we said about loneliness being common, you are still an individual person, made up of amazing qualities! Being your own self doesn't mean you are alone.
This is okay to talk about. Many times, loneliness doesn't seem like something worthy enough to open up about. However, anything that bothers you is of concern to the people that love you. It is brave to do so, and will help you to get on the path to recovery.
Quality over Quantity. While it can be easier to gain a lot of followers and friends due to the Internet, quality friendships matter more. A deep, meaningful conversation at 3AM in the night will be much more impactful than a follow from Instagram.
You deserve kindness. Whether it be your favorite song, a day off, a sweet treat, or simply a nap, you are entitled to a break. Allow yourself to recover, you deserve it!
Gratefulness matters. We are thankful for you. Pass it on by being grateful to yourself and your victories! The glass is better half full than half empty, so enjoy the fact you got up today, your favorite TV show, or your cup of coffee. Whatever it is, appreciating the small details can help!
Get a pet. Pets can help with loneliness, and as an animal lover, I admit that sometimes they seem to understand you more than a human. With that said, pets have been proven through research to improve levels of dopamine and oxytocin, the attachment hormone.
Community is out there. Whether it is spiritual, religious, political, or in your school, a community will provide the social connection that all humans need. A common goal or interest is all that's needed to make a plethora of new connections!
Reach out to others. As we said before, sometimes loneliness isn't the lack of people, but rather the perception. Sending that text to an old friend or volunteering in your community may seem hard to do, but in reality, helps you and the recipient!
Ask yourself: Why am I lonely? You might feel desolate due to a critical loss, by being barred from a certain group, or due to your perspective. It's truly vital to comprehend that forlornness is an individual feeling. Not every person who loses somebody feels lonely. By sorting out from where your own loneliness stems, you can then track down ways of tending to it. Knowing the root can help you address the cause.
Loneliness is not the best feeling, but it is temporary. With personal motivation and external support, it can be fixed. Whatever you may be going through, just know that Iclucy and many other people are here for you. We care.
Crisis Text Line can help you deal with loneliness. Reach a counselor by texting HOME to 741741. (US)