To create change in the women’s healthcare system, in order to demand equal care and attention, here are some easy ways below to advocate for legislation that enforces this.
This program hosted by the WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) urges Congress to create a sufficient nutrition program for women postpartum, allowing families that receive low-income to support and raise families. To advocate for this, the link below directs people to fill out a basic message supporting this initiative: Urge Your Members of Congress to Provide Full Funding for WIC in the Final FY 2024 Agriculture Funding Bill (By March 1st Deadline)
This initiative supports creating resources for research and awareness towards PCOS: Join the Movement to Help #PrioritizePCOS

4) This initiative focuses on women’s rights regarding pregnancies, to protect the Women’s Healthcare Act: https://www.plannedparenthoodaction.org/call/congress-protect-safe-legal-abortion