"IC" Initiatives
IcLucy helps raise awareness of critical issues and topics through various different initiatives!

"IC" Mental Health
Learning to deal with mental health issues is one of the most important skills a child or teen can have. IcLucy uses various platforms to provide as many coping skills and open dialogue as possible.
"IC" Period Poverty
Health is one of the utmost priorities for any person, and IcLucy agrees. This is why our chapter in Brazil works to help girls understand the causes of menstruation and the importance of menstrual hygiene.

"IC" Financial Literacy
With academics, sports, and extracurriculars, it's easy to get caught up in life without ever learning vital employable skills. Led by teens for teens, we're here to learn together how to tackle the real world, step by step.​
"IC" Obesity
Here at IcLucy, we tackle the local issue of obesity in our Kuwait Chapter. We value the life skills of youth, and nutrition is one of the most important ones. Check it out!